Ovi Vitas — AmeriLife’s CMO on Hiring and Award-Winning Advertising for Global Brands

On this episode, your host Oz Rashid is joined by Ovi Vitas, Executive Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer at AmeriLife — a Fortune 500 financial organization — to discuss digital marketing and how video games are leading the way in the marketing space, as well as how Ovi makes hiring decisions.

The type of people Ovi looks for when hiring are those who contribute to diversity, as well as people who are disruptors. All in all, desired character traits would depend on the role that needs to be filled. Overall, the most important quality is that candidates be good communicators, and he explains why.

Ovi shares the three questions he usually asks during interviews to help him understand how interviewees manage up, how they manage down and what motivates them, as well as the lessons learned from past hiring mistakes.

Oz provides advice about hiring candidates for qualities that are difficult to determine when hires are trying to impress. He emphasizes that the focus should be on the relationship match between the company and the candidate. 

Resources mentioned:

Connect with our host, Oz Rashid, on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ozrashid. 

Learn more about MSH: https://www.talentmsh.com. 

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